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Habitual grazing -

Mind my overly generous phrasing

Truth is, I’m a fat cow.

Plump but out of season,

Binging for no reason,

Yes -

A miserable little moo.

Nothing better to do?


Fast, I need food -


I’m just not in the mood.


Come on! Clog my artery,

Let me be the casualty -

If eating is an act of killing? Anyway

Sure do think so,

Seems so - I’m willing. I’ll lay,



Sour, spoilt, milk, eggs,

Deserving all that I get,

Drowning my dread.

My empty indulgence -

My swapped stomach and head.


Little yolk bubbles of

Tangerine swimming pools

Soft egg-shell shores

Holding polka principles.

Keeping in place

For an impending pop

Toast, stand to order!

Aim for the dot.





To every. little. ripple...

The stickler⁣ -

Of my Hope,⁣




I do it too much, you know?

Waste my time.⁣

Caught between a wanting so bad,⁣

And a needing for nothing at all.⁣

Tall order.

Constant doubt.⁣

The willingness to ride the wave,⁣

Yet happy to go without.⁣

One day I’ll pout

Tout the audience before me -

Next day the drought ⁣

Helps to water the tree.⁣

Everyday the changing⁣

Rearranges my outlook,

Most my time,

I’d much rather⁣,

Write my short lifetime book...

Pepper it with words⁣

Versed quiet and quaint;

Speak to the world - patiently,

Between the lines I paint.⁣⁣



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