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I spent many years wondering why I couldn't just put it all down for minute, but I realised - I can’t. I spend every moment thinking about transmuting imagination into something tangible. Whether that’s music, poetry, video or design. It’s equally energising and exhausting (luckily the first mostly, when in full flow).

I can’t really stand to keep all my ideas in anymore, I always worried it’s “too much” for people - but truth is, it’s too much for me! My mind is like a fishbowl and in need of constant renewal and release to keep the waters fresh. Otherwise it’s very easily swamped and stifled.

I do believe more than half the battle we all often experience with creativity is doubting the place it goes once it leaves the inner realm. It’s pretty scary to let it all slip through your fingertips after clutching on to a piece of yourself for so long. But that’s the price we pay to find peace in our discomfort. To push ourselves outside of ourselves is what it means to evolve, stretch to our furthest reaches and get even closer to knowing how limitless we all actually are.

Right best get back to the mince pies - elaborate as ever even on Boxing Day. Christ! 😂

Latest video release: "Feather" West Kirby Session" -

10 Year Anniversary: "Boots" Animated Lyric Video -


Hi there friends 🕊️

You finally can listen to Feather as I first intended it to be heard - as a collection curated carefully in its order. Songs of human fragility in the realms of time, heart, mind and the soul.

I wrote these songs when I was most at odds with life and worn by its seemingly endless trials. But I need to say, I don’t feel like a bird with a broken wing anymore 🤍 - I think there’s a point when too much adversity snaps something out of you and does you a favour. It forces you to give up any needless obsessions with slipping time, how we appear in this world and our standing within it. Instead all that you do is for simpler sakes of joy and appreciation for being alive.

It wasn’t straight forward getting this EP out but I realised that’s the very nature of it - somehow drenched in sorrow while being the purest thing I’d ever made. I deeply believe that I wrote it for my mum too. Becoming acutely aware of her own quiet struggle, depth and multidimensional beauty. It was also through the intensity of grief, that I felt pushed into a kind of freedom I had never known before.

I felt primed to leave all pain behind, in order to serve what the soul deeply asks for. And I know my mum wanted to see me happy, to stop all doubting - she always wanted me to fly 🕊️ so now I’m really trying x

Credits & Thank Yous

Thank you Isabella Baker and Anna Corcoran for your incredible musicianship. You guys are the most intuitive and creative players I know and I’m constantly inspired by you - feel so lucky to be able to share the stage with you both too.

Thank you James Wyatt from Sloe Flower Studio for holding the space where these songs could flourish. For you sympathetic gifts as a producer, mixer and engineer of this project. Thank you Rogan Kelsey too for your extra attention to detail on this, it’s the first time I’ve 100% felt good about my work.

Lastly but not least, thank you Isabella Rubin for the perfect photography to go with this collection of songs. You are incredible!

Stream, download, save 🤍 hope you love it!! xxx


Gurgle, the baby’s passion squiggles

And wriggles with excitement

As my ageing fresh already crinkles.

Inching and stretching

The years get less refreshing,

Fleshing out my inner spirit

In a fitting tantrum of slipping time.


Why isn’t the world wide mine yet?

These baby blue’s dreams

Careful rhymes

No fruition of dreams -

Just a hard aching of time.

The conditioning of the cynical

Society-beaten "truths"

All the optimism of my psyche

Lost to my short-lived youth.

The big bad world out there

Snipes in harsh aggression.

There’s no room for lullaby

Just a leary recession...

No transgression to maturity

Just this hardened world view.

We forgot how to feel light

To see life as brand new.


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