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The sun is smiling today,

Asking to leave the shadow behind me.

Politely I turn to the silver cloud,

Asking how it always manages to find me.


The tectonics shift

Sand slips helpless through an hourglass

Change is imminent, cataclysmic and crass

It calls on the wind as our nails puncture the grass

As we cling even tighter to loose archaic structure

Scraping the sky in its surrendering crumble

While we claw and tumble to the deepest depression

What do you really fear? Collective transgression?

While human insanity erupts into a sweating red fever

Our home is a wasteland - it can't help you either.

But the threat of hope looms,

Challenging a guilty psyche

There’s a crack in the nut

There’s a chink in the armour

There’s a macabre churning

There’s a debt collector, called Karma.


There's a general malaise that bites on the air,

Chattering its icy tale, chortling that life is not fair.

But begging to differ is a snowflake idle in its quaint perfection.

Flecks of clearest miracle, a momentary visible,

Yet misery captures our attention.

Did we forget to stop a while, to marvel at life’s invention?


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