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I am the water within the stem of the shoot,

My red veins boil because I feel from the root.

My flair is a colour that bleaches the petal,

My passion is beauty, my reaction is fatal.

I was born of some ballistic nine planets,

I curl on the night and orbit bad habits.

Out of order, I’m futile, ferocious like Mars,

Tomorrow I’ll tend to soft Neptunian scars.

Today is contemplative, thinking in Mercury,

Yesterday I was pulled by waves of the sea.

Fooled by the moon, the Piscean’s dreamland,

Imaginative trickster, a skilled sleight of hand.

Often too Aries, the ascendant bears bold,

That renegade utopian is an Aquarian cold.

But true to my nature, my heart’s ocean wide,

Am I two little fish or more Jekyll ‘n’ Hyde?

The half-moon splits one Gemini twin

To play with redemption or ponder to sin?

Made of the good, the bad beautifully ugly,

Cryptic self-analysis persisting quite smugly.

Deeper, I’m a lily on the bed of my soul wave.

I tap in so slightly - yes, even before the grave.

A cluster of the elements, I cannot pick which one.

Just another dying daisy, but I know where I come from.


One noticeable rift

I caught upon my riddling,

Was the ripple of close associates

Slopping sneaky, off-shore.

Riddled with mutant features,

Pebble-green soul holders spy on;

Wouldn’t hand me a paddle

Even if it killed me - nice one.

I float on the lone raft,

To the nucleus of the sea.

Shot by atoms of air, silence,

Sandy dry stares -

They spiral no where.

But to silt that sits below the ocean.

Guilt gurgling deep, an oily black lotion.

The plugs have lost suction,

Holding animosity in place

You bottled up the bitter,

But wasn’t it all a waste?

8th August 2019


When I erode

It’d be lovely to know,

I would still hear an orchestra

As I settle to stillness.

Questionable though,

If vibration can’t help but dance?


Could there be chance,

If all souls were a force of energy,

Each humming their own story,

Musing and merging together -

As one infinite symphony?

Wouldn’t that be

Far more spectacular, tuneful and delicate

Than we had ever yet to know?


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